
Kihwa-Endale is an artist and spoken word poet based in Helsinki with her heart somewhere on a train, going to a place she can’t yet pronounce.

Kihwa-Endale is a combination of her mother and her father’s names. She uses it to introduce herself as an artist, because with this her identity is obsolete – she is merely the hyphen in the middle. Her mixed background and nomadic experiences have made her most familiar with the in-between and she seeks to create fusions in her works. 

Her practise is to practise. Without defining a main medium, she continues her exploration of different ways to translate her inner world. That being said, she is currently performing spoken word and visual arts.

The themes she centers on are social injustices and love. Extensive meditation is a part of her work process and she looks for ways to combine sentiment with fields, such as mathematics, science, and religion. Her pieces communicate through the visceral experience with ambitions to disintegrate socio-political and cultural ideas.

Up coming:
-Establishing a spoken word organization, KAIROS, which is committed to creating spoken word platforms for marginalized voices in Finland. More can be found from their instagram page: @kairos.spoken.
-Hands Up solo exhibition in Galleria Albert IV. This series of portraits painted on mirrors, is a celebration of the black and partly black excistance.

Photos by Kihwa-Endale