
Vähäkämä collective (before Mykyrokka collective) was founded in 2018 by dance artists Ella Effendy, Ronja Syvälahti, Teo Mattila and Ira Vuolle. Vähäkämä aims to create mindful, norm questioning and thought shaking contemporary dance. Performing in public places and site specific performances are the center of Vähäkämä’s work since the collective stands for actions that can make art easier to achieve for everyone. Democracy, learning by doing, irony, curiosity, messing up in a joyful way and sprinkling humor describe Vähäkämä’s working methods and style. Working with a wide range of different dance styles and techniques as well as researching voice, sound, rhythms and words form the base practise of Vähäkämä collective.

Collective`s first piece, ​How bout’ a LANTTUKUKKO?​ was produced with Paikallisliike & Satoa goes WILD festival in 2018 and performed in Kuopio, Joensuu and Outokumpu. In June 2020, Vähäkämä premiered their second piece, ​Suksi Skutsii!, ​which is about the contradictory and complex relationship of humans and nature in western society. Suksi​ ​Skutsii!​ was performed in Koli National Park, Nurmes, Outokumpu and Helsinki. During the spring and summer of 2021, Vähäkämä will perform _Suksi Skutsii! _in the schools of the capital area and Joutsentanssi-festival in Kuhmo.

During the year 2021, Vähäkämä will start gathering ideas, planning and producing the new work, working titled as ​Kupla / The Bubble ​which will premiere in 2022. ​Kupla ​is a metaphor for a visible phenomenon of current times, where each individual is, at least seemingly, able to form their own bubble of opinions, beliefs, political views, life style and aesthetics through the net of people they choose to spend time with, social media as well as goods, literature, journalism and culture they choose to consume. As a visual element, bubbles are food for imagination…

Photo in the slider by Ronja Syvälahti
Main picture by Jussi Ulkuniemi
Photo in the gallery from left to right by Jussi Ulkuniemi
, Jussi Ulkuniemi, Jussi Ulkuniemi, Ronja Syvälahti, Peter Dorotka